Once again, our awe-inspiring Under 18, Lorne Dolphins football coach, Cam Nugent is back in the spotlight leading his own crusade next Thursday with the town of Lorne behind him, to honour his late wife, Skye and raise much needed funds for cancer research through Love Your Sister.

Here is Cam’s story….

In 2010 Cameron Nugent was a 35-year-old filmmaker working from an office above a dental surgery in Melbourne. Life was happily average, until an impromptu lunch offer changed everything.

Her name was Skye, a dental nurse from the clinic below, and Cam had no idea their chance meeting, and her indelible smile, would one day inspire him to plan a non-stop 150km run from Melbourne to Lorne, in honour of a life and legacy that changed him forever.

However, fate dealt a blow when Skye’s cancer returned, and along with it, a daunting prognosis – her cancer had spread and there was little the doctors could do. It was likely to be months, not years.

Refusing to let precious time slip away, Skye decided they would embark on the journey of a lifetime, fulfilling her dream of travel. Together, the couple set out on a series of adventures around the world, defying every medical prediction and making enough memories for a lifetime. Along the way, their love deepened into an unbreakable bond.

During a break from their travels, Skye and Cam visited the seaside town of Lorne, a place filled with cherished childhood memories for them both. Taking Cam up the hill to an empty plot of land, Skye announced she was going to buy it, and that Cam would build them her dream home… All by himself.

Inspired by Skye’s own courage and loving support, Cam accepted her challenge. With YouTube videos as his guides, Cam set about becoming a builder, piecing together their future home, bit by bit.

Two years later, after the frame of the house was complete, Skye passed away in her sleep. Instead of months, Skye had won back five years, and a lifetime of memories with Cam.

Facing grief head-on, Cam never gave up on the task Skye had set. Building her home became a journey of healing, and with time and effort, the house took shape, fulfilling the promise he had made. And while Skye did not live to see the final result, her memory and spirit were imprinted in every piece of her home.

Now, eight years on, the house is almost complete. It stands as a testament to their love and to the lifetime they forged together. Mementos from their travels now hold places of honour in the home, along with the couple’s indelible memories.

On November 22nd, to honour Skye’s life and the completion of her dream home, Cam will embark on a non-stop, 24 hour, 150km charity run called: TO LORNE WITH LOVE. The goal is to raise $100,000 for cancer research.

Pop it in your calendar, Thursday 23rd November, Stribling Reserve 4pm to 7pm(ish). There’ll be face painting, a jumping castle, sign making station, BBQ, Bar and more… you might even get your face on TV!

Let’s all get down to the oval to help celebrate Cam’s extraordinary journey and cheer him on as his crosses the finish line of his 150km run. Bring your gold coins for kids activities and dollars for BBQ and Bar. All money raised from the afternoon will be donated ‘To Lorne with Love’ for cancer research.




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